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Spirit of Islam Issue 35 November 2015


To the Glory of God

In all the known

universe, only the

earth permits man

to survive and bring

a civilization into



F one were to claim that by mixing crushed pieces of stone with

wood, petrol can be produced, people would laugh at the suggestion.

No man has in him the power to make such things happen. But far

stranger events of such a nature take place in this world every day.

Nature’s chemistry causes innumerable occurrences, which remain

only as an unintelligible mystery to the uninitiated.

Take hydrogen and oxygen, for example. Nature blends these two gases

in a particular proportion and the resulting combination takes the form

of a liquid—crystal clear water. When carbon and hydrogen are mixed

together under certain conditions, crude oil, a very precious thing,

is formed. When certain salts and minerals are mixed with carbon,

life comes into existence. A magnetic field

and movement brought together gives the

astonishing force called electricity. In a similar

way, when a magnetic field and electricity are

brought together, an immensely powerful

movement comes into being. When a seed is

sown in the soil, it is transformed into wood,

leaves, flowers and fruits.

Innumerable miracles like these keep

occurring at any given moment. On seeing

them, man is dumbfounded. He realises that

none of these objects have any power to come into existence on their

own, nor does man possess the power to create any of these things.

How, then, is all this happening?

In an attempt to explain this, some people claim that all of this is a part

or component (


) of God. It is God Himself Who is manifesting in

innumerable forms.

The Quran, however, rejects such explanations as misleading. According

to the Quran, these things are not part of God, but are created at His

command (


). God has created them by His power, rather than

manifesting Himself in those forms.

For ages, the stars have remained at the centre of the romantic

imagination of poets. Since antiquity, man has considered the sun and

moon as gods. The truth, however, is that these are nothing of the sort.