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Spirit of Islam Issue 35 November 2015

Today, conditions have vastly changed. The world is free from

dictatorship and coercive political systems. The collapse of the Soviet

Empire in 1991 ended coercive rule in the history of mankind.

These political changes have revolutionised the issue of ‘method’.

Followers of Monotheism no longer need to migrate from one land to

another. Nor do they need to resort to military confrontation with ruling

powers in order to lead a free life—because all these are available as a

result of historical processes.

There are two major aspects of this revolutionary transformation:

complete religious freedom and modern means.

For the first time in human history, intellectual revolutions and the

establishment of the United Nations has given every person and group

the inalienable right to believe in, practice and preach the religion of one's

choice. The only condition is that one should not engage in violence against

anyone. In other words, today there is no external obstacle whatsoever

for leading a peaceful religious life and for engaging in peaceful preaching


Under such circumstances, Muslims should thank God for the new age of

freedomand welcome it whole-heartedly. Unnecessary confrontation with

political rulers on the basis of some self-invented ideology is meaningless.

A Companion of the Prophet, Abdullah bin Umar, remarked that God had

ordered Muslims to engage in war only to end religious persecution. The

age of religious persecution had ended in a partial sense in Abdullah bin

Umar’s time. The establishment of the United Nations has put a definite

end to religious persecution. Given this religious freedom, the order to

fight to end religious persecution is no longer valid. Muslims must abstain

completely from any involvement in such violence.

Following the scientific and industrial revolutions, modern technology

has given such capability to ordinary people with its wide impact that

political power has become secondary. What was thought possible only

through the acquisition of political power, can be achieved in great

measure through technology.

The media, with its potential for tremendous impact, can be used to

pursue one’s goals very effectively. It is no big effort to organise large

international conferences, bringing together people from across the

world. Modern means can be used to establish magnificent Islamic

centres. Spreading the message of Islam to every corner of the globe is

quite possible with the Internet. If these modern means are employed

with wisdom and vision, one can establish ‘religious empires’ that were

unimaginable in the earlier age of political empires.
