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Spirit of Islam Issue 35 November 2015

God gave different

methods to His

prophets to


the different


that method can be proper that takes into account the prevailing

circumstances. For example, Prophet Joseph directly told the

ruler of Egypt “Place in my charge the storehouses of the land”

(THE QURAN 12: 55)

, but Prophet Moses did not make this sort of demand

on the king of that country. On the contrary, he asked for permission

to depart from Egypt, taking along with him his people, the Children of


(THE QURAN 26: 17)

It is wrong to claim that the differences in the


s of different

prophets were on account of evolution—that the rudimentary


of the earlier prophets kept getting refined till the finally-evolved


was given to the final prophet, the Prophet Muhammad.

The above cited Quranic verse rebuts the evolutionary explanation of



to different prophets. According to the Quran, the

differences in the


are on the basis of God’s testing people, and

not on account of the supposed evolution of



Every act of worship has a spirit as well as

an external form. Those who gather around

a prophet and adopt a life of faith know this

difference, and hence are more particular

about the spirit of worship. But in later

generations, stagnation gradually sets in, and

people lose the inner spirit of worship. The

performance of external forms of worship

in a ritualistic manner is mistaken as true


When stagnation sets in and a community loses the spirit of worship,

God commands, through His prophets to changes in some external

forms of worship. Thereafter, those who had taken the external forms

to be the real thing continue to cling onto these ancient forms, unable

to adopt the new forms of worship. They even deny the prophets of

their times. But those in whom the spirit of


(religion) is alive give

no importance to the external differences and willingly adopt the new.

This is precisely what happened in ancient Madinah, when, through

Prophet Muhammad, the


or direction of worship was changed

(2: 142)


Such changes in


are brought about through prophets. Now,

no changes are possible in the external forms of worship that Islam

prescribes, because no new prophet will come. However, as far as


or method is concerned, the case is different.