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Spirit of Islam Issue 35 November 2015

Every act of worship

has a spirit as well as

an external form.


is essentially based on


(exercise of judgement with

reasoning). Since


will remain operative among the Muslim


(followers of Prophet Muhammad) till the Day of Judgment,

Muslim scholars agree that differences or changes in issues related to


will continue to be made.

Addressing the Prophet, God says in the Quran

(6: 90)


Those [the previous prophets] were the people whom God

guided. Follow their guidance then and say, “I ask no reward for

this from you: it is only a reminder for all mankind”. 

Hence, the Prophet repeatedly adopted the manner of earlier prophets

in matters of


. One can discover examples of this from the

Quran—for instance, exercising patience in the face of the oppression

of opponents

(46: 35)

, following the


or practice of the Prophet

Joseph in the wake of the victory over Makkah and forgiving the


(12: 92)


The differences in the


s of the prophets

is nomysteriousmatter. It is based on a proven

law of nature—that even if people’s beliefs are

exactly the same, the external circumstances

in the context of which they function can

never be identical. Even a prophet may face

different circumstances at different points

in his life. Hence, it is absolutely natural that

in the application of the


there would

be differences according to the prevailing

circumstances. That the


s of different prophets have been

different is because of the need to take into account the differences in

the prevailing circumstances that the different prophets faced.

For instance, as conditions grew severe for Prophet Muhammad

in Makkah, God commanded him to leave Makkah and migrate to

Madinah. In contrast to this, though conditions that the Prophet Jesus

faced in Jerusalem had also become severe, he was not commanded

by God to leave Jerusalem and go somewhere else. One reason for

this difference is that when Prophet Muhammad migrated to Madinah,

the conditions there were very different from those in Makkah and the

centre of Islam could very easily be established there, while at the time

of Prophet Jesus, there was no place outside Jerusalem like Madinah

where he could have gone in order to preach under better conditions.