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Spirit of Islam Issue 35 November 2015

God wants that in

matters of religion,

every person should

enjoy freedom to

choose their own


Violence involves two (or more) people—one who engages in violence,

and one who is victimised. Earlier, religion was considered as a state

subject and the only legitimate religion was the official religion, the

religion of the state. Practicing any other religion was considered

a crime synonymous with rebellion against the state. Such bigoted

attitudes perpetrated religious persecution.

Monarchs did not allow dissension, with any

opposition being perceived as a threat to

their rule; and hence did not tolerate it. This

state of affairs was against God’s Creation

Plan. God wants that in matters of religion,

every person should enjoy freedom to choose

their own path. The Prophet of Islam and his

followers were commanded to end religious


(THE QURAN 8: 39)

, and allow such

natural conditions that God desires to prevail

among people.

This plan of God is referred to in the above-cited


. It says that in

accordance with God’s decision, religious freedom must be established

and religious persecution be rooted out for ever.

With the age of religious freedom well established in the 20



no one faces persecution any more. Only those individuals or groups

engaging in unnecessary violence will face violence, giving their

opponents the opportunity to engage in retaliatory violence. One

who engages in violence will face retaliatory violence, irrespective of

whether he does it in the name of religion or any other name.


Spiritual versus Material

Being spiritual means rectifying one's

relationship with other human beings. It is far

from meaning the renunciation of all contacts

with the material world.