Passion and Perseverance - Abu Yahya

Passion and Perseverance

The attributes of Allah, “Rahman”(Beneficent) and “Raheem”(Merciful) are mentioned together on various occasions in the Quran. It’s a common perception that both these attributes are used to present the same dimension i.e. the mercy, of God and are used together to emphasize on the idea. This idea that both the properties exhibit the mercy of God is true, but there is a minute yet important difference between the two. The word “Rahman” has a factor of passion and expanse more dominant in it while “Raheem” has a dominance of permanency and tenure in its meaning. When combined, both these attributes, excellently represent the absolute mercy of Allah SWT.

These attributes of Allah SWT, hold a great lesson for us in them. A pulse of passion for righteousness is not enough and a perseverance and permanence is also required. Be it the matter of helping the religion or that of helping the poor, surely human passion convinces one to start doing something, but with this passion one should also have consistency. Only then can he permanently adopt kindness and good in his life.

The fact is that a person who does good only once due to passion can never compete with someone who is consistent on his good deed, however small that may be.


Date: 09 Sep 2011
Thanks: Rehan Ahmed Yusufi

Author : Abu Yahya
Uploaded on : Nov 25, 2015
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