Moral Message of the Quran

Innate Knowledge of Good and Evil 5
Usurping the Wealth of Orphans 5
Honesty in Weighing 6
Forgiving Others 6
Humility 7
Kindness to Parents 7
Condemnation of Pride and Vanity 8
Selflessness 9
Refraining from Showing Off 9
Sympathy 10
Truthfulness 10
Wisdom 10
Two Types of People 11
If the Unexpected Happens 12
If I Keep Sinning 15
If I am Born Deprived of a Talent 15
Being Just to Enemies 16
Sanctity of Human Life 16
Punishment for Popularizing Vulgarity 16
Spiritual Advancement 17
Loyalty to God 17
Spending in Charity 18
Punishment of Arrogance 21
Better than the Best 22
Winning over your Enemies 22
Are the Finer Pleasures of Life Prohibited? 23
Qualities of a Muslim 23
What I should always try to Avoid 26
The Three Do’s and the three Don’ts 27