اشراق اکتوبر 2020

!"# !$%& '() * + ,-. /012 '* 345678' 9 !$ : ; < =>?@ A BCD EFG$ : ; 'H I J$ K % FL M N =>O Abstract There are mainly two systems of education running currently at secondary education level in Pakistan: Martic and O level. Matric system runs under the federal and provincial educational boards, while O level runs here generally under Cambridge University London. Many schools cater both the systems under one roof. Both the systems have significant differences in their syllabi, teaching methodologies and examination system. These differences produce different results on knowledge and understanding of students. Education of Islamiyat is the constitutional responsibility of the Government of Pakistan. However, Islamiyat syllabus of Matric contains www.al-mawrid.org www.javedahmadghamidi.com