Qur’ ā nic Exegesis 7 Monthly Renaissance February 2021 ۤ َﻟۡﻒَ ﺳَﻨَﺔٍ ﻣﻤَﺎ b َﺎنَ ﻣﻘۡﺪ َر * ه d ٍ ۡ ﻳَﻮۡم LS َﻌۡﺮ * ج * ﻟَﻴۡﻪ 8 َ ﻵۡﻹَرۡضﺛ * ﻢ Lَ] ﻳ * ﺪَﺑﺮ * ﻵۡﻹَﻣۡﺮَ ﻣﻦَ ﻟﺴَﻤَﺂء َﻌ * ﺪ * وۡنَ ﴿ h ٥﴾ ذٰﻟﻚَ ﻋٰﻠﻢ * ﻟۡﻐَﻴۡﺐوَ ﻟﺸَﻬَﺎدَة ﻟۡﻌَﺰﻳۡﺰ * ﻟﺮَﺣﻴۡﻢ * ۙ﴿ ٦﴾ َ ۡءٍ ﺧ qَr َ * ﻞ d َ ﻟَﺬيۡۤ َﺣۡﺴَﻦ ﴿ۚ ٍۡ وَ ﺑَﺪََ ﺧَﻠۡﻖَ ﻵۡﻹﻧۡﺴَﺎنﻣﻦۡ ﻃ b ﻠَﻘَﻪ ٧﴾ ٍ ﻣﻦۡ ﺳ * ﻠٰﻠَﺔ b ﺛ * ﻢَ ﺟَﻌَﻞَ ﻧَﺴۡﻠَﻪ except Him Who is your guardian nor anyone who can intercede for you with Him. Do you not pay heed then? (4) It is He Who governs all affairs from the heavens to the earth; 7 then they return to Him 8 in a day whose extent is one thousand years according to your count. 9 He knows the hidden and the apparent; is the Powerful and the Merciful. 10 (5-6) [It is He] Who has excelled in the creation of everything. 11 He began creating a human being from clay; 12 then carried on his period of creation is to point to the fact that God has created this world in a very gradual and thorough way. Hence it must not be regarded as an amusement; there is a purpose for which it has been created. 6. Ie., after creating it, He did not become aloof; on the contrary, He is actually governing its affairs. 7. Ie., it is not just that His sphere of governance is confined to the heavens and He has given the governance of the earth to some others, as some foolish think. 8. Ie., are presented to Him and He directly watches the obligations carried out by the angels and in what manner they do it. 9. This is stated because human beings at times show hastiness in trying to understand the affairs of God even though they have been consigned by Him in one go to the angels everytime for a period of a thousand years. They keep manifesting themselves according to God’s wisdom; they are not subject to change every day as per the desires of people. 10. For this reason, people should try to trust God by being positive and must not despair and go to knock at the doors of others. 11. Ie., created everything in such an appropriate and proportionate way and with such perfection viz a viz traits and abilities that no flaw can be pointed out in it nor can any change be suggested in it. 12. This is a mention of the first phase when the physical form of a human being was created. The same method was adopted for it which is now adopted for the creation of a human being. The only difference is that the process that now goes on in a mother’s womb went on in the earth’s womb. Thus all the ingredients of clay which are consumed by us as food and transform into an insignificant fluid and initiate the process through which a human being is created went through this