Faith & Beliefs 35 Monthly Renaissance February 2021 remains is that God should either raise the curtain from every truth and show them the evidence of the unseen world, or force them to be guided. But this compulsion and revelation of the hidden is against the freedom and the law of trials that has been discussed above. Why should then nature allow these humans to exist? What will this man do, other than misguide others: those who are under his influence and those who are born to him, to walk on the path he has taken: ﻮۡ * * ﻀﻠ 8 ۡ ًﻧَﻚَ نۡ ﺗَﺬَرۡﻫ * ﻢ ﻋﺒَﺎدَكَ وَ ﻵَﻹﻳَﻠﺪ * وۡۤ ﻵَﻹﻓَﺎﺟﺮً ﻛَﻔَﺎر . ) ٢٧:٧١ ( For, if Thou dost leave (any of) them, they will but mislead Thy devotees, and they will breed none but wicked ungrateful ones. (71:27) This is why the nations in which messengers and prophets were sent were sorted into believers and mischief makers and criminals after completion of invitation and all arguments and the latter were either destroyed through natural punishment from God or at the hands of the people of faith. This is the requirement of the law of survival of truth. This Sunnah is specific to prophets and it has certain rules that have been detailed in the Qur’ ā n. A brief explanation is given in the exegesis of S ū rah K ā fir ū n by Im ā m Far ā h ī . People or groups other than prophets cannot carry out completion of arguments to the extent that it is proven that a particular nation no longer has the capacity to accept guidance. Hence, none other than prophets have been given the right to destroy their people even if a person becomes an apostate after accepting guidance. This is evidence enough of the fact that he did receive the light of guidance once. Believers have been given the right of only taking leadership away from non - believers and keeping control in their own hands, so that they may take the opportunity to reform themselves, if possible, by living under a righteous people and enabling environment. It is clear from all this detail that religion originated through love that was created in the nature of a child for his parents and in that of adults for the real Benefactor. This love gave rise to gratitude and praise for the Benefactor and kindness for parents. The desire to praise the true Benefactor created the concept of prayer and kindness for parents and motivated people to serve