Faith & Beliefs 34 Monthly Renaissance February 2021 God. The origin of idol worship and polytheism is entirely something else and this shall be discussed later. Hence, Islam and all religions of truth are, in reality, Islam and this is the real faith of God since the very beginning of humankind on earth. The difference between this and polytheism and idol worship is one of source and reality. Their natural connection is not one of closeness and consideration, but of hatred and hostility. One is the evolution of nature, the other regression of nature: the direction of their journey and destination are different. There is no leeway for any compromise or tolerance between the two. Man has not come to the world to merely exist. He is here so that he can develop the potential in his nature to the highest level of evolution that is possible while remaining in this world of materialism and attractions. He has been given a period of time to live for this purpose. If this objective is not being fulfilled, his life is useless and without meaning. Nature that is so wise in every aspect can never undertake a useless exercise. As explained above, the point of origin of the spiritual evolution of man is purely his love of God. When man treads on his path, he takes the true road to his spiritual evolution. If he strays from it, this means that he is going against the natural evolutionary process. Since nature is merciful, it has made it possible to send guidance to him in the form of prophets and messengers along with the same guidance being present in his nature. These messengers have herded humans towards the true direction of their spiritual evolution, i.e, to true worship of God. The law of nature about messengers is that they are the best fruit of the tree of nature of the group in which they are sent. They possess the best character, hold the best discourse, demonstrate the best of deeds and provide an example of the highest level of nature for a long time, thus developing an ideal community. This community begins its journey on the road of true spiritual evolution. If, after this, there still remain some foolish people whose ears are deaf to the sounds of nature and calls of prophets, what should nature retain them for? It is useless to keep them as humans to merely live, eat and drink and reproduce. Animals are sufficient for this purpose, for they are doing this as well as moving forward on the path of evolution by serving species that is superior to them. All efforts that could have been made to guide humans have been carried out. All that