Faith & Beliefs 33 Monthly Renaissance February 2021 The details of the above should be seen in the tafsir of S ū rah Qiy ā mah by Far ā h ī . The difficulty of the challenge necessitated that God send His messengers to guide man. Although human nature’s inclination toward God was not weak, the world and its attractions, human desire and its lures, Satan and his whisperings, too, carried so much weight that God’s mercy demanded this deficiency to be recompensed. The weight on the scale of desire should be countered by placing a counterweight in the scale of nature. Thus, the Quran says that when God sent Adam (sws) and Satan down to the testing place of the world, he also promised to send His guidance and messengers: ْ ﻫ * ﺪًي q ﻓَﺎﻣَﺎﻳَﺎْﺗﻴَﻨَﻜ * ﻢْ ﻣ . ) ٣٨:٢ ( … is sure, there comes to you Guidance from me (2:38) So that man’s nature was not left alone in this field of struggle, the help of God’s messengers, His books and His angels were also included. This was an additional force in support of God and after this arguments in favour of humans came to completion and his guidance was not left to coincidence or possibilities. Man did not have the excuse left that it was so dark that he could not read the signs of his own nature for the Day of Judgement. Indeed, it was pitch dark, but pure light and the shining lamp were also there, highlighting each and every aspect of nature. Nature is never miserly in any of its blessings. It was possible that man could have been given one ear to listen or one eye to see. But nature gave him two ears and two eyes. Similarly, it was possible that he was left to be guided only by his nature. But God in His infinite mercy did not leave this matter to possibilities and probabilities. Instead, He provided the best of guidance through His messengers and prophets. Equipped with so much strength, within and outside himself, if man is not ready to fight Satan for the sake of God, but seeks to ally himself with him, then this is not the fault of his nature but this has other reasons. These shall be explained in the next chapter, Insha’Allah. After this debate, it is no longer necessary to refute the fact that the source of all religions is the same. It is clear from the discussion above that the point of origin of Islam and other heavenly religions is not fear, but it is the feeling of love for