Faith & Beliefs 29 Monthly Renaissance February 2021 the dead? Relics and signs from the dark ages of history prove this and the compiled heritage of the times that we have, also gives the same evidence. Six centuries had barely passed for Christians when they began to worship pictures, although the Torah had strictly forbidden this. The first instruction in the Torah was that of monotheism but Jews were involved in idol worship many times. Abraham (sws) left his home for the sake of monotheism and built a house to worship God in a remote place. But not a long time afterward, his progeny filled this house with idols. The Qur’ ā n claims that monotheism is the nature of humankind, but if incidents prove this otherwise, it is necessary to address this. This answer will also refute the second view of scholars of evolution that has been discussed above. The fact that idol worship and polytheism have been widely practiced from the beginning in the world and still is cannot be proof of the point that it is in man’s nature. As long as a human child remains a child, he tries to put everything in front of him in his mouth, regardless of whether it is a stone, brick, wood or iron, pure or impure. He thinks that it is his mother’s breast and for a while, tries to suck it. Then he picks up something else and then another thing. Drawing a conclusion from this that all these things are his desire by his nature is ridiculous. The natural nourishment of a child is inside his mother’s breast. But because he is not yet fully conscious of this fact, he considers everything to be his mother’s breast. Hence, if man was engaged with the impurities of idol worship and animism during his early stages of evolution, this does not mean that this was a requirement of his nature. In reality, this struggle and effort was his search for the real Creator. This desire caused him to look everywhere. A characteristic of a child is also that sometimes his mother calls him but he keeps focused on what he has in hand until his mother comes and picks him up and nurses him. As soon as she moves him away from her body, he begins to pick up things around him and put them in his mouth. It is a rational point to suggest that even during the dark ages there were people who were themselves aware and who also made others aware, but the human interest in toys kept emerging with gaps of time, as is normal with children. The search of man kept losing his goal after achieving it again and again. At this point, some people are assailed by the doubt that if