Faith & Beliefs 28 Monthly Renaissance February 2021 parents all rights over children, it has not given the former the right to have their children do shirk. ْ ﻣَﺎﻟَﻴْﺲَ ﻟَﻚَ ﺑﻪٖ ﻋﻠْﻢٌ ﻓَﻶَﻹﺗ * ﻄﻌْﻬ * ﻤَﺎ L± َ ك WْÀ * َنْ ﺗ LٰMَ و َنْ ﺟٰﻬَﺪٰكَ ﻋ . ) ١٥:٣١ ( But if they strive to make thee join in worship with Me things of which thou hast no knowledge, obey them not. (31:15). The reason for this is that the invitation that exists within nature for consideration for the rights of parents and their love is weaker than that for consideration for God and His rights and love for Him. How can then parents be granted the right to ask their progeny to refute the force that has a much higher demand for what they receive through the same feeling? Here, some people may raise doubts about the fact that the Qur’ ā n and other heavenly books mention piety, fear of God and terror and that this gives strength to the opinion of scholars of evolution that fear is the original source of religion. This doubt is baseless. Islam does not consider that fear and dread that is based only on harming humans a legitimate view. Fear of this kind may exist for Changez Khan, Taimur, lions, elephants, snakes, scorpions etc. If such fear is for God, what would be its value? The piety and fear required in religion is totally different and is based on love. This does not arise solely because of fear of punishment and anger of God but develops as a result of thinking about His innumerable blessings and mercies and remembrance of His beautiful names. This is the reason that those who know His attributes well love Him the most. And those who love Him the most also fear Him the most. ﺆ * Á َٰ ﻣﻦْ ﻋﺒَﺎده ﻟْﻌ * ﻠَﻤ ﷲ qَÂْ ﻧَﻤَﺎﻳَﺨ . ) ٢٨:٣٥ ( Those truly fear Allah, among His servants, who have knowledge. (35:28) It is clear from our discussion that the view of scholars of evolution that religion began with the feeling of fear and animism has been refuted. But one doubt still remains. If the nature of man is pure God worship and this is the true direction of evolution, what are the reasons for so much evidence of worship of idols and