Faith & Beliefs 27 Monthly Renaissance February 2021 similar. These favours could only come from a Being much higher than a father. 1 In any case, religion did not begin with the emotion of fear, but from the feeling of love. The above two views held by scholars of evolution are both without basis. In the first case, the feeling of gratitude and love for a Provider and His worship is prominent. Fear and worship of anything other than God is an unnatural malaise that has come upon man due to misunderstanding and ignorance of his true inner self. In the second case, he should reach God while holding his father’s hand. The natural evolution of this feeling is that while he is content with his father, he reaches his true Creator through his worldly father and loves and respects him far more. If he did not do so, this means that instead of marching on the true path of evolution, he has fallen into a blind alley. This is the example of an unnatural stagnancy in spiritual evolution, just as we find examples of unnatural stagnancy in the evolution of the material world. There is no doubt about the fact that the oldest emotion is that of love for parents and the oldest idea is one of respect for them. But does this emotion take the child towards God after childhood, or towards ancestor worship and tribal gods? Hence, this is the reason behind instructions to love and do good by parents come alongside worshipping God in both the Qur’ ā n and the Torah. This means that awareness of the rights of God and parents is the oldest in man’s nature, and, although the rights of parents come first in his nature, the status of God’s rights becomes higher than that of the parent’s. This is the same as when climbing up to the roof, the stairs are on top, but once you get to the top, the stairs are below you. When man reaches God, he realizes that parents are, in reality, a blessing from God. Instead of worshipping them, one should thank God for having this blessing. This is the reason that while Islam has given 1. These are the two main views about the source of religion among scholars of evolution and they have been presented in a somewhat scholarly manner. This is why we have also explained our differences along the same lines. There are other views, such as Totemism being the beginning of religion; the effect of using something that caused inebriation among early man. Some scholars have explained the source of religion on sexual desire. Obviously, these are nonsensical views and not worth refuting.