Faith & Beliefs 24 Monthly Renaissance February 2021 reptilians and developed into the human form in slow stages, similarly the soul was involved with animism, worship of material things and magic and sorcery and slowly graduated into God worship. The conclusions which are drawn by scholars of the evolution theory as a result of this analysis are: 1. The originating point of religion is fear. This fear began due to demonstrations of natural phenomena: bursting of clouds, thunder; noise of gales; horrific scenes of eruptions of volcanoes frightened man and he began to worship these, believing that they were living beings. 2. The claim of God worship being a demand of human nature is erroneous. If this were so, mankind would not have started religion by animism and worship of material things. Similarly, idol worship and worship of the dead would not have been so widespread in history. 3. The basis of all religions is the same. From this aspect, there is no difference between Islam and Judaism and the voodoo worship of cannibals in Africa. Hence, all religions and beliefs should accept each other. The above conclusions are so attractive that they have found place in the books of many contemporary scholars, even though they are totally wrong and baseless. Both wisdom and history are against them. The point that religion was born out of fear of unseen forces and that this emotion is the first and oldest of human feelings is nonsensical. The fear within humans is the fear of losing his blessings. A man loves his life, property, spouse and children. Because of this, he is afraid that he might lose these things. In other words, before the feeling of fear, he feels that these things are dear to him and are a blessing. It follows that if they are a blessing, there has to be someone who has provided him with these blessings and he feels gratitude and the desire to worship Him. Hence, the feelings of being blessed and having a Provider before feeling afraid are essential. Until we feel that life and its provisions are a blessing, we are not afraid of anything related with life. There are many people who become frustrated with