Ḥ adith Studies 20 Monthly Renaissance February 2021 (from Ibn ‘Abb ā s). Now as far as the narrative under discussion is concerned, if all its variants are analyzed it will be found that in all of them the words without any exception are ﻋﻦ ﺑﻦ ﻋﺒﺎس (from Ibn ‘Abb ā s) which means that Sa‘ ī d never heard this narrative directly from Ibn ‘Abb ā s (rta). In all probability, Sa‘ ī d heard it from someone who had attributed it to Ibn ‘Abb ā s (rta) and trusting this person, Sa‘ ī d ascribed it to Ibn ‘Abb ā s (rta). About ‘Ikramah, it is recorded: وﻣﺤﻤﺪﺑﻦأﻳﻮبﻗﺎﻵﻹﺣﺪﺛﻨﺎ LM ﺣﺪﺛﻨﺎ ﻟﺤﺴﻦﺑﻦﻋ ¼ ﻳﺤ q ة ﻗﺎلﺣﺪﺛﻨﺎ 4 ﺑﻦ ﻟﻤﻐ M ﺑﻦ ﻟﺤﺎرثﻗﺎلدﺧﻠﺖﻋ ﺟﺮﻳﺮﻋﻦﻳﺰﻳﺪﺑﻦزﻳﺎدﻋﻦﻋﺒﺪ ﷲ L ﺑﻦﻋﺒﺪ ﷲ LM ﻋ ﻗﺎل ﻓﺈن ﷲ ½ وﺛﺎقﻋﻨﺪ ﺑﺎب ﻟﺤﺴﻦ ﻓﻘﻠﺖ ﻟﻪ أﻵﻹ ﺗﺘ LS ﻣﺔ W{ ﺑﻦﻋﺒﺎسﻓﺈذ ﻋ M ﻫﺬ ﻟﺨﺒﻴﺚﻳﻜﺬبﻋ LL± أ ‘Abdull ā h ibn al- Ḥā rith said: “I came to ‘Al ī ibn ‘Abdull ā h ibn ‘Abb ā s and found that ‘Ikramah was chained near the door of Ḥ asan. So I said to him: ‘Do you not fear God?’ He replied: ‘This is because this hideous person fabricates lies about my father.’” 4 According to ‘Al ī ibn al-Mad ī n ī , when D ā ’ ū d narrates from ‘Ikramah, he is munkar al- ḥ ad ī th . 5 Though Ibr ā h ī m ibn Ism ā ‘ ī l ibn Ab ī Ḥ ab ī bah (d. 165 AH) has been regarded to be trustworthy by A ḥ mad ibn Ḥ anbal, here is the jar ḥ recorded on him by al-Mizz ī : Ya ḥ y ā ibn Ma‘ ī n says that he is ṣā li ḥ yuktabu ḥ ad ī thuh ū wa l ā yu ḥ tajju bih ī and at another place states that he is laysa bi shayy ; Ab ū Ḥā tim is shaykh laysa bi qaw ī yuktabu ḥ ad ī thuh ū wa l ā yu ḥ tajju bih ī ; Al-Bukh ā r ī says that he is munkar al- ḥ ad ī th ; Al-Nas ā ’ ī says that he is matr ū k . 6 Ibn Ḥ ibb ā n says k ā na yuqallibu al-as ā n ī d wa yarfa‘u al-mar ā s ī l . 7 Al- D ā raqu ṭ n ī says that he is laysa bi al-qaw ī f ī al- ḥ ad ī th . 8 Finally, this narrative becomes totally unreliable because of the presence of Mu ḥ ammad ibn ‘Umar al-W ā qid ī in its chain of narration. Here is the jar ḥ on him. 4. Al-‘Uqayl ī , Al- Ḍ u‘af ā ’ al-kab ī r , vol. 3, 373-374. 5. Al-Mizz ī , Tahdh ī b al-kam ā l , vol. 8, 380. 6. Al-Mizz ī , Tahdh ī b al-kam ā l , vol. 2, 43. 7. Ibn Ḥ ibb ā n, Al-Majr ūḥī n , vol. 1, 109. 8. Ibn al-Jawz ī , Al- Ḍ u‘af ā ’ , vol. 1, 22.