Faith & Beliefs 39 Monthly Renaissance December 2020 of the sun, whose grandson, according to Japanese belief, became the first ruler of Japan and the crown has been passed on generation to generation, with the current King, Micado. The progeny of this goddess has been ruling Japan for thousands of years, although various goddesses of the seas, rivers, mountains, fire etc are also worshipped. Brave warriors of the nation and loyal servants of the royal family are also worshipped. However, the first principle of this religion is to worship the original elder goddess, her relatives and descendants. The main religions of China are Taoism, Confucianism and Buddhism. Worship of ancestors, ghosts and devils, goddesses and gods has been the characteristic of these religions from ancient times. The first two religions believed in ancestor and nature worship in principle. Buddhism does not believe in ancestor worship but when it reached China, it absorbed the beliefs of the other two religions and now all three deify ancestors, evils and their demonstrations. Magic, casting of spells and tricks are their common features and the list of superstitions of their followers is so long that the reader gets exhausted. Laozi was the originator of Taoism. His philosophy is the philosophy of negation. His religious book would be about half that of the Gospel of Mark, but the followers of this religion have added so many superstitions to the book that their details could not be contained within thick volumes. Tao monks have been in search since before the birth of Jesus (sws) of the dragon pine that is said to grow in an island of fairies of the eastern sea. They have covered the entire sky with gods and goddesses and the entire earth with magicians and sorcerers and believe that if humans can negate their desires and locate the secret of eternal life, they become heavenly gods. Of their heavenly goddesses, the most significant is the “Queen of Heaven” or the “Sacred Mother”. This goddess is also the goddess of the seas, storms and waves. She is the protector of every Chinese sailor, fisherman and marine tourist. When there is any trouble in the sea, she is called upon for help and she immediately appears in the skies with her sword and destroys the greatest of storms. If sailors are lost in the darkness of seas, she shows them the way with red lanterns. The founder of Confucianism was Confucius. The original religion of China is ancestor worship and the reality of Confucianism is nothing other than that it was an authority for