Qur’ ā nic Exegesis 14 Monthly Renaissance November 2020 § ﴿ ﺳﻮآء ﻟۡﺠﺤﻴۡﻢ 4ٰ‚ ﺧﺬوۡه ﻓﺎﻋۡﺘﻠﻮۡه ٤٧﴾ ؕ ﺛﻢﺻﺒﻮۡ ﻓﻮۡقر ۡﺳﻪٖ ﻣﻦۡ ﻋﺬ ب ﻟۡﺤﻤﻴۡﻢ ﴿ ٤٨﴾ ª ۡ ذق ﻧﻚ ﻳۡﻢ﴿ t¬ۡ ﻧۡﺖ ﻟۡﻌﺰﻳۡﺰ ﻟ ٤٩﴾ وۡن﴿ 1‡ۡ نﻫٰﺬ ﻣﺎﻛﻨۡﺘﻢۡ ﺑﻪٖ ﺗﻤ ٥٠﴾ ۙ ﴿ ٍۡ ۡ ﻣﻘﺎمٍ ﻣ 45 ۡ ن ﻟۡﻤﺘﻘ ٥١﴾ ۡ ﺟﻨٰﺖٍ وﻋﻴﻮۡنٍ ﴿ 45 ٥٢﴾ ٍ ق 1ۡ2 ﻳﻠۡﺒﺴﻮۡنﻣﻦۡ ﺳﻨۡﺪسٍ و ﺳۡﺘ ﴿ ۡ ﻣﺘﻘٰﺒﻠ ٥٣﴾ و ’ ﻛﺬٰﻟﻚ ؕ ﴿ ٍۡ زوﺟۡﻨٰﻬﻢۡ ﺑﺤﻮۡرٍ ﻋ ٥٤﴾ ۙ ﴿ ۡ ﻬﺔٍ ٰﻣﻨ 0 ﻞﻓﺎ ® ﻳﺪۡﻋﻮۡنﻓﻴۡﻬﺎ ﺑ ٥٥﴾ ۙ ووﻗٰﻬﻢۡ ﻋﺬ ب ﻟۡﺠﺤﻴۡﻢ﴿ ~4ٰ‚ۡ ﻵﻹﻳﺬوۡﻗﻮۡنﻓﻴۡﻬﺎ ﻟۡﻤﻮۡت ﻵﻹ ﻟۡﻤﻮۡﺗﺔ ﻵۡﻹو ٥٦﴾ ذٰﻟﻚ D ﻓﻀۡﻶًﻹ ﻣﻦۡ رﺑﻚ ﻫﻮ ﻟۡﻔﻮۡز ﻟۡﻌﻈ ﻴۡﻢ﴿ ٥٧﴾ food of the sinners. Like the sediment of oil, it shall boil in the stomach like boiling water. 31 It will be ordered: “Seize him and drag him to the centre of Hell. Then spill on his head the torment of scalding water,” – Taste it; it was you who posed to be very powerful; very respectful. This is the same thing you used to doubt. 32 (43-50) Those who fear God will, however, be in peace. Among orchards and fountains, wearing attires of sundus and istabraq 33 sitting opposite to one another. 34 Thus shall be their majesty. And We shall wed them to large-eyed houris. There they will be asking for all types of fruits with full contentment. After the first death [which came to them in the previous world,] they shall never taste death in it now. God saved them from the torment of Hell. This will be especially from your Lord’s grace. It is this which is in fact supreme success. (51-57) the reality only God knows. 31. Here in the simile stated, two forms of boiling are combined. Im ā m Am ī n A ḥ san I ṣ l āḥī writes: In other words, this food will boil the way the sediment of sour oil boils viz a viz its intensity, heat and bitterness and will sizzle like sizzling water. When oil is heated, it gets very hot but it does not sizzle; when water is heated, it sizzles as well. (Am ī n A ḥ san I ṣ l āḥī , Tadabbur-i Qur’ ā n , vol. 7, 291) 32. This statement can be from the tongue of the torment-inflicter and can also be a portrayal of the situation. 33. These are names of silk fabrics. 34. The word ﻣﺘﻘٰﺒ ۡ ﻠ occurs in the verse. Verbs like ﻳﺠْﻠﺴﻮْن (sitting) or ﻳﺘﻜﺌﻮْن (sitting while being supported by cushions etc) are suppressed here.