Qur’ ā nic Exegesis 8 Monthly Renaissance September 2020 وۡن CJۡ ﻜﺔ ﻳﺴﺒﺤﻮۡنﺑﺤﻤۡﺪرﺑﻬﻢۡ وﻳﺴۡﺘﻐ N O ﻟۡﻤﻠ ٰ ﻫﻮ ﻟۡﻐﻔﻮۡر ﻟﺮﺣﻴۡﻢ ﻵﻹۤ ن ﷲ 7 ' ﻵۡﻹرۡض < ۡ ﻟﻤﻦ ﴿٥﴾ ﻴۡﻞٍ ﴿ S وﻣﺎۤ ﻧۡﺖﻋﻠﻴۡﻬﻢۡ ﺑﻮ VW ۡ ٰ ﺣﻔﻴۡﻆٌ ﻋﻠﻴۡﻬﻢ و ﻟﺬﻳۡﻦ ﺗﺨﺬوۡ ﻣﻦۡ دوۡﻧﻪٖۤ وۡﻟﻴﺂء ﷲ ٦﴾ ٰۡﻧًﺎ `a وﻛﺬٰﻟﻚ وۡﺣﻴۡﻨﺎۤ ﻟﻴۡﻚ ٰيوﻣﻦۡ ﺣﻮۡﻟﻬﺎوﺗﻨۡﺬرﻳﻮۡم ﻟۡﺠﻤۡﻊﻵﻹ Cgۡ ﺑﻴًﺎﻟﺘﻨۡﺬر م ﻟ `h is in the heavens and in the earth belongs to Him and He is Exalted and Great. 4 It is as if the heavens will almost split apart from above them [because of His awe] and angels, they [because of fear for their] Lord glorify 5 Him while extolling Him and pray for the forgiveness of the inhabitants of the earth. 6 Listen! In reality, only God is Forgiving and Merciful. In spite of this, those who have set up other guardians besides Him, God watches over them 7 and [O Prophet!] You have not been made accountable for them. 8 (1-6) In the same manner [as stated,] We have revealed to you an Arabic Qur’ ā n 9 so that you can warn 10 the dwellers of Makkah 11 then He delivers His message to them through divine revelation and through them He communicates it to people. 4. Hence no one should be audacious enough to demand from Him that He should come to people and converse with them directly. 5. Tasb īḥ (glorification) expresses the fact that God is devoid of lowly attributes and ḥ amd (extolling) affirms positive attributes in Him. In the words of Im ā m Am ī n A ḥ san I ṣ l āḥī the former absolves God of all evil and the latter affirms every good in Him. In other words, these angels regard God beyond all things which are against His majesty, the most prominent of these being polytheism, and affirm all lofty attributes in Him, the most prominent of these being monotheism. The implication is that in spite of the nearness and proximity to God possessed by the angels, they tremble with awe while these foolish people regard them to be deities. On the other hand, the angels cannot even imagine that anyone can be God’s partner. 6. Ie., pray for the forgiveness of the believers which are on earth. This is precisely their intercession. Nothing beyond it is in their jurisdiction. 7. This is a very stern warning. The implication is that if God is their guardian, He watches over all their deeds and hence when the period of respite ends, He will make them meet their fate. 8. This is an assurance to the Prophet (sws). His responsibility is only to communicate; hence, if they do not accept his message, he should not be worried. They will be held accountable for this attitude and not he. 9. The word Qur’ ā n is qualified by the attribute “Arabic” to express favour as well as conclusive communication of the truth so that after this the people of Arabia are left with no excuse.