Reflections 38 Monthly Renaissance April 2020 of a nation gets into trouble when villains become predominant. Their attacks continue over regular matters of ordinary people and they attempt to destroy their foundations too, but later, they also gain acceptance from those people who are low in wisdom, but quick in action. In this manner, the evil doers become dominant and shatter the unity of the nation. We had explained above the impacts of dominance of religious, but ignorant people and here we have clarified the damage caused by dominance of mischief makers. In principle, it can be said that the person in authority who places the derivative in the position of the main and gives the lowly a high status, he has dispersed the system of the nation. This clarifies the benefit of understanding the coherence of the Qur’ ā n and the disadvantage of remaining ignorant of the same. It is clear that the reform of this nation (and of other nations) can only be carried out through the wisdom to which the Qur’ ā n gives guidance. The only route to get to this wisdom is that a person try to understand the fields of knowledge that God has placed within the grand system of the Qur’ ā n. The person who attempts to understand this wisdom of the Qur’ ā n without taking into consideration its system will merely grope in the dark and stray from the path in his foiled efforts. Imam Hamiduddin Farahi Hikmah Qur’ ā n (82-96) Translated by Khalid Masud from Arabic to Urdu Translated from Urdu to English by Nikhat Sattar ـــــــــــــــــــــــــ saying that he should act justly. The Prophet (sws) answered by saying that the Lord of the skies and earth has trusted him and given him custody of the revelation: if he will not be just, who else will? Hearing this, ‘Umar (rta) or Kh ā lid ibn Wal ī d (rta) got up and requested permission to kill the person objecting. The Prophet (sws) forbade them to do so, and said that the prayers of such people were of a kind apparently that their own prayers would be ashamed. They recite the Qur’ ā n beautifully but it remains only in their throats. In spite of their obvious piety, they shall be removed from faith. This Ḥ ad ī th can be seen with various references in Muslim’s Kit ā b al-Zak ā h’s “B ā b Dhikr al- Khaw ā rij wa Ṣ if ā tuhum”. From this, we understand that while some people pay great attention to observing religious rites, they take no benefit from the principles of their religion. The man who objected to the Prophet (sws) did not understand the demands of believing in the Prophet (sws). His apparent piety failed to make him aware of the reality of faith.