Biography 39 Monthly Renaissance March 2020 those of the Prophet (sws) was limited only to the life time of the Prophet (sws). The fact is that he is the seal of prophets. His education, his way of life and his Sunnah is the light to guide every man’s life until the Day of Judgement. Every truly faithful person cannot consider him to be someone who has disappeared into the past, but feels his spirituality in the present too and establishes a connection of love with him. Thus, it is necessary today also that the Prophet (sws) be revered and venerated as his essential right; his teachings not be declared to be out of date and non aligned with needs of current times and one’s good deeds not be destroyed by bringing the prophet (sws) to the same level and negating his noble status. At present times, groups influenced by the West are determined to believe that religion is irrelevant and the systems proposed by it and instructions of the shar ī ‘ah are things of the past, thus wanting to break away from them. Such people are frustrated by the religion brought by the Prophet (sws) and consider the boundaries which it set to be barriers to their indecent independence and lives of comfort. Similarly, those who have set up systems of their own in parallel to those of true religion and wish to keep others confused in their labyrinths are not fulfilling any right of the Prophet (sws). They claim to be among the faithful apparently, but shall be exposed when they are presented in front of the One who knows whatever is hidden. It is only then that the truth of their claims shall emerge. For such people, the Qur’ ā n says: O Mankind! The Messenger hath come to you in truth from Allah. believe in him: It is best for you. But if ye reject Faith, to Allah belong all things in the heavens and on earth: And Allah is All-knowing, All-wise. (4:170) ( Translated by Nikhat Sattar ) ـــــــــــــــــــــــــ