Selections from the Qur'an Selections from the Qur’ ā n 86 Real Responsibility of an Islamic State 4. و ذ ﺣﻜﻤﺘﻢ ﺑ ¢ ﻫﻠﻬﺎ Kw ﻢ نﺗﺆدو ﻵﻹﻣﻨﺖ c ٰۡۡۡۡۡن ﷲ#" ﻳﺎﻣﺮ oٰٰۡۡۡ ۡﻟﻨﺎس ن ن ﷲ#" ﺎن ﺳﻤﻴﻌﺎ ﻌﻈﻜﻢ ﺑﻪ S ﻌﻤﺎ 2 "# ن ﷲ ﺑﺎﻟﻌﺪل ًٰٰٖۡۡۡۡۡۡۢﺗﺤﻜﻤﻮ ًۡﺑﺼ.? . ) ٥٨:٤ ( God commands you to hand over the trusts to those worthy of them and when you judge between people, judge with fairness. Surely, this is from God an excellent a dmonit ion. Indeed, God is He who hears and sees all t h ings. (4:58) Religious Obligations of an Islamic State ﻮة و ﻣﺮو c ﻟﺰ ﻟﺼﻠﻮة و ﺗﻮ ﻵﻹرض ﻗﺎﻣﻮ KX ٰٰٰٰۡۡۡۡۡۡﻟﺬﻳﻦ ن ﻣﻜﻨﻬﻢ ۡۡﺑﺎﻟﻤﻌ @ وﷲ#" ﻋﺎﻗﺒﺔ ﻵﻹﻣﻮر ° ٰۡۡۡۡۡۡﺮوفو ﻧﻬﻮ ﻋﻦ ﻟﻤﻨ . ) ٤١:٢٢ ( These believers are those who, if We grant them authority in this land, will be diligent in the prayer, pay zak ā h , enjoin what is good and forbid what is evil. (22:41) System of Governance of an Islamic State ٰۡۡۡۡۡو ﻣﺮﻫﻢﺷﻮريﺑﻴﻨﻬﻢ ) ٣٨:٤٢ ( And their system is based on their consultation. (42:38) © "All rights of this book are reserved for the publisher and the author. This copy is for reading purpose only. This copy cannot be uploaded on any website except those of the publisher and the author."