Selections from the Qur'an 1. Faith and Religion Tenets of Faith ٰ ۡﻣﻦ ﻟﺮﺳﻮ ۤل ﺑﻤﺎ ۡ ﻣﻦﻪۡﻟﻴ ﺰل ۡﻧ ٖ رﺑﻪ ۡۡۡ و ﻟﻤﺆﻣﻨﻮ ن ٌٰ ﻞ ٰﻣﻦ ﺑﺎﷲ#" و ٖ)ﻜﺘﻪ & ﻣﻠ ٖ و ﻛﺘﺒﻪ ٖ و رﺳﻠﻪ , ﻵ قﺑ. 012 ۡﻹ 4 ٍۡﺣﺪ ﻣﻦ ٖ رﺳ ﻠﻪ , ۡوﻗﺎﻟﻮ ۡ ﺳﻤﻌﻨﺎو ; ۡﻃﻌﻨﺎ ﻧﻚرﺑﻨﺎو 01 ۡ ﻏ ۡﻟﻴ ? ۡۡﻚ ﻟﻤﺼ. . ) ٢٨٥:٢ ( The Messenger has b elieved in what has been revealed to him by His Lord, and so have the believers. All of them have professed faith in God, His angels, His books and His messengers. [They assert:] “We do not differentiate between any of God’s messengers,” and they said: “We have heard and have obeyed. Lord! We seek Your forgiveness, and [believe that on the Day of Judgment] to You shall we return.” (2:285) True Faith @ ﷲ#" A ٰۡۡۡۡﻧﻤﺎ ﻟﻤﺆﻣﻨﻮن ﻟﺬﻳﻦ ذ ذ ۡۡۡۡۡۡ وﺟﻠﺖ ﻗﻠﻮﺑﻬﻢ و ذ ﺗﻠﻴﺖ ﻋﻠﻴﻬﻢ رﺑﻬﻢ ﻳﺘﻮ ﻠﻮن KL ًٰۡۡۡۡۡﻳﺘﻪ ز دﺗﻬﻢ ﻳﻤﺎﻧﺎ و ﻋ Pٰٰ . ﻘﻴﻤﻮن ﻟﺼﻠﻮة و ﻣﻤﺎ S ٰۡۡۡ ﻟﺬﻳﻦ ﻟﻬﻢ درﺟﺖ ﻋﻨﺪ ٌٰۡۡۡرزﻗﻨﻬﻢ ﻳﻨﻔﻘﻮن وﻟ)ﻚ ﻫﻢ ﻟﻤﺆﻣﻨﻮن ﺣﻘﺎ &ًٰۡۡۡۡۡۡ ۡ رﺑﻬﻢ و @ﻳﻢ A ةورزق 01 ٌٌٌۡۡۡﻣﻐ . )٨ :٢ - ٤( © "All rights of this book are reserved for the publisher and the author. This copy is for reading purpose only. This copy cannot be uploaded on any website except those of the publisher and the author."