Playing God

"All rights of this book are reserved for the publisher and the author. This copy is for reading purpose only. This copy cannot be uploaded on any website except those of the publisher and the author." Playing God: Misreading a Divine Practice 57 4 -@ I X - jX fB1 - V_W/! 1 @ ?n F!G - P4H X ? +3i 1 „ i€@ +2I@ +2 F3HJ ? F? 6 )s: &&| ( It is not proper for the Prophet and those who believe to ask Allah’s Forgiveness for the mushrik ū n , even though they be of kin, after it has become clear to them that they are the dwellers of the Fire. (9:113) Again, it needs to be appreciated, as the verse itself clarifies, that the Idolaters of Arabia of the Prophet’s times were co ndem ned to Hell because of their persistence in denying the t ruth in spite of being convinced about it. It was such people about whom, as per the divine practice discussed earlier, the Prophet (sws) and the Muslims were stopped from praying and asking forgiveness. Hence, this verse does not relate to non-Muslims of times after the Prophet (sws) and his Companions (rta). x. Prohibition of Inheritance betweenMuslims andNon-Muslims On the basis of the following narrative, there are scholars who are of the view that Muslims and non- Muslims cannot mutually inherit from one another: 43 + - 3 • € – @ B2 • 4p7 > !š F ? @ F = 6 < 1 - < 1 + /B1 ž ! + /B1 Us ā mah ibn Zayd reported that the Prophet said: “A Muslim cannot be an heir to a Disbeliever nor can a 43. See, for example: Al-Sarakhs ī . Kit ā b al-mabs ū t , vol. 30, 30. www.jav